viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2020

Hello today I'll write about English. If  i'm being honest, English is a university subject that is very difficult for me because I'm very shy and insecure. It's difficult for me to expose in Spanish, so in English it's more. English has helped me learn new words, although sometimes I forget some of them.

Reading the blogs was interesting as was writing them. I really like writing, but in english i't difficult because i'm not good at english but I really try it

I hope to practice the English language in a good way during the rest of the university. To improve my English I feel that I should practice more and try to speak more and memorize the words, especially the words in the past tense.

Outside of class I don't speak English, I only hear it in series or movies that is why it is easier for me to understand it than to speak it. I think that English at university should be more specific, that is, English for architecture, English for geography and English for design.

English is very useful, especially if you want to travel around the world. 

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